Breakfast Aboard Jejuda (David You are a Great Chef
Pisgah Bay Mileage 30 to Sugar Bay Mileage 35.5 - A beautiful day temperature got to be around 77 F with little humidity. We had breakfast aboard the Jejuda, they are on their way to Chattanooga, Tennessee as they have insurance restrictions as do we but we are heading home for a month. We will probably not see them until we get to Florida. We are in a park they call the Land Between the Lakes. They are two man made lakes one called Barkley Lake and it is where the Cumberland River widens and Kentucky Lake is where the Tennessee River widens and they keep the water controlled with damns. We did go for a walk with the dogs but I do not like to go off trail as I am afraid of snakes. Everyone assures me that I might see only a King snake and that they will not hurt you. The water is on the murky side because of all the rain so we have not been swimming.