Climbing to the Top of the Water Tower
Roger and Karen on the Manatee Hunt
Our Find on the Manatee Hunt
Rare Sighting "Yellow Headed, Pink Breasted Split Tail - She Made Her Mom Proud
Bar Walls Lined with Dollar Bills
La Costa Island (Pelican Bay) to Cabbage Key - Overcast and windy in the morning by afternoon the weather was sunny, hot and calm. Got up to 80F. The marina here is pretty rough, with no garbage, no water and pets have a 10 x 20 foot of grass and all this for $2.00/foot. When we arrived the marina was empty but before we got tied up the marina was full with the lunch and bar crowd. They serve approximately 500 meals per day from about 11.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. We walked around the island and up to the top of the water tower. We went on a hunt for manatee. We never found them. We did have a rare sighting and photographed a yellow headed, pink breasted split tail. Oh by the way the washroom was a 100 feet away. We had a hamburger at Cabbage Key Restaurant which apparently was a hangout for Jimmy Buffet where they claim he wrote and sang Hamburger in Paradise. The bar was lined with dollar bills which started when the fisherman had good days when they would come to the bar after selling there catch they put money on the walls with their names on it so they could still have a drink or a meal when they did not have a catch. The tradition continues but only people put there names on them and address.
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